Council Corner: October 2022 (Lane Bahr)

Council Corner: October 2022 (Lane Bahr)

As summer withers away and the leaves begin to change a new season is upon us, and with it, brings new opportunities for our congregation!

Image_Time Talent

The new 2022/23 Time & Talent sheet is ready for you to select area(s) that you would like to help share your time and talent with your church! There are so many options, and the wonderful thing is that most have very little time investment for you, but the benefit is great to our church!

Please take a moment to look over the Time & Talent sheet, it is divided into different areas of service, with the council chairpersons contact info listed, for you to reach out to with any questions you may have. Please fill out and return your sheet in the offering plate on any Sunday in October, leave in Mary’s (secretaries) mailbox, or even call / email me and we’ll get you signed up!

Another exciting new thing to our church is God’s Work, Our Hands!
Throughout the year, we will be organizing Gods Work, Our Hands events of outreach, to those in our congregation and in our community. To share God’s grace and love, lend a helping hand, support those in need, share our talents, and enjoy in fellowship and bonding with others.

Image of Leaves

Our 1st Gods Work, Our Hands act of service will be a Leaf Raking Outreach. November 6th, Starting at 12:30p. We’ll gather to rake leaves at the homes of a few members of St. John, to lend a helping hand and have some fall fun while serving others. This is a family friendly event, and all are welcome to join! Bring your favorite rake, a pair of gloves and let’s have some fun! There is a volunteer sign-up sheet in the narthex or feel free to call / email me directly to sign up! Snacks and beverages will be provided. For the old saying of “many hands make for light work” is so very true! If we all give a little, we reap a lot!

Wishing you each a blessed fall season!