God’s Beloved & Members of St. John,
Grace and peace to you all. I hope you all were able to enjoy Christmas, and that you were able to feel God’s love, joy, and peace. Now a new year is upon us, so let us pray.
Renewing God, with hearts of gratitude, we give thanks for the start of a new year. A time when possibilities seem endless, when life shimmers with anticipation and hope. A time of blessings, peace, and joy. Cultivate your Spirit in our midst. Make this a year filled with reflection, prayer, stewardship, and love for all our neighbors. May Christ be our light, guiding our way. Amen.
The new year can bring a range of emotions, aspirations, goals, and a lot of cold weather for us Wisconsinites. Yet, the start of the new year also brings more sunlight each day. Light that reminds us of the Light of the World, Jesus Christ.
And as a community of faith, we hold the Light of Christ together, in our hearts, in our prayers, in our words, and in our actions. So, if you are having a hard time finding light this new year, know that St. John is holding you in prayer and in the light of Christ. As it is together, in Christ, where we find peace, love, and eternal life.
As always, if you ever need any one to talk to, I am here for you. Please feel free to call or text me (608)-345-9616 or send me an email pastor.maggie.westaby@gmail.com. Or if you would simply like to meet up for coffee, tea, or a walk, I would love to share that time with you.