The Christmas and Advent season is upon us once again! We are filled with happiness and excitement as we prepare to celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. But wait…does everyone feel this anticipation and joy; is it always a happy time of celebration?
As St. John prepares for this season of wonder and joy, let’s be mindful of those who mourn and are lonely. This year Pastor Maggie is adding a worship service called Blue December especially for those who have lost loved ones and find this season to be a lonely time. Worship will include candle lighting, music, prayers and a sermon. Please join us on Monday, December 12th @ 6:30 p.m. to remember, support and pray for all who endure loneliness and other personal hardships during this season.
As I witness St. John’s pews filling with faithful parishioners, seeing children gather for Pastor Maggie’s message, fellowship gaining momentum; I’m filled with excitement and renewed hope. Hope for normalcy and sharing the good news of great joy during this beautiful season. Christmas is a time when Jesus is on the lips of everyone, whether they know Him or not. What greater gift can we give those who have not yet met the Lord than to share with them the good news of the real Christmas. So, invite loved ones or friends to church, volunteer together, remember our homebound by sending cards, caroling, and visiting them, and last but not least, spend time worshiping together. Have a blessed Christmas!