10/10/2021: Worship Service, Pastor Dan Sire October 10, 2021 Reverend Dan Sire Eternal Life, Faith, Love, Spiritual Growth Mark
09/19/2021: Worship Service, Lay Minister Eugene Viegut September 19, 2021 Eternal Life, Faith, Love, Trusting God Mark
08/29/2021: Worship Service, Pastor Tryphine Schruba (Be Hearers and Doers of the Word) August 29, 2021 Reverend Tryphine Schruba Faith, Spiritual Growth James
8/08/2021: Worship Service, Pastor Dan Sire (Bread for the Journey) August 8, 2021 Reverend Dan Sire Comfort, Faith, Hope, Love, Trusting God 1 Kings, John
8/01/2021: Worship Service, Pastor Phil Bogen August 1, 2021 Reverend Phil Bogen Eternal Life, Faith, Hope, Love John
2/7/21: Worship Service, Pastor Dan Sire February 7, 2021 Reverend Dan Sire Comfort, Epiphany, Faith Mark
7/07/2020: Bible Study, Pastor Dan Sire July 7, 2020 Reverend Dan Sire Faith, Spiritual Growth Romans